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Rectal Insufflation

Rectal Insufflation
Procedure Overview

  • Ozone can be administered through a small tube into the rectum without any pain or side effects.
  • This procedure is used worldwide for patients wanting to improve immunity and resistance against infections.

Conditions Treated

  • It is used to treat Hepatitis B and C as viruses cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.
  • There is a significant decrease in viral load after a few sessions.
  • Ulcerative colitis patients are another indication for this procedure.
  • Few types of infections of the rectum and anal canal can benefit from this procedure.

Perianal Sinuses Treatment

  • In perianal sinuses, ozone can be given into the sinus tract with amazingly good results.

Effectiveness for Autism

  • Rectal insufflation also shows its effectiveness against children with autism and other behavioral issues.
  • Ozone absorbed in the blood through the rectal wall will go to the brain, improving circulation and oxygenation, causing improvement in areas causing autism in the brain.

Procedure Details

  • For the procedure, the patient has to lie down on their side and ozone is given with the help of small tubing into the rectum.
  • The procedure has minimal pain and takes a few minutes.
  • One or two sessions per week are needed.
  • No specific precautions are required after the session.

Benefits and Effectiveness

  • Ozone is an effective and economical treatment for many conditions related to the rectum.
  • It shows good results in the treatment of hepatitis B and C.
  • It is a good source to increase immunity for general well-being.