Definition and Symptoms
- Muscle pain or fibromyalgia is pain in different muscles of the body.
- Manifested by chronic, diffuse musculoskeletal aching and soreness, palpable muscle tender points, and other symptoms such as anxiety and functional impairment of daily activities.
- Typically presents in young or middle-aged women.
- Other causes include inadequate blood supply, overuse of muscle, dehydration, stress, strain, cramps, and vitamin/mineral deficiency.
Ozone Therapy for Muscle Pain
- Ozone therapy is very effective in muscle pain.
- Fibromyalgia is characterized by small nodules in muscles called tender points, which are sources of muscle pain.
- Treating these nodules significantly reduces body muscle pains and aches.
- Muscle spasm is another cause of pain.
Administration of Ozone Therapy
- Ozone is given intradermally and subcutaneously with a small 27 G needle, resulting in lysis of nodules and reduction in pain.
- Ozonated oils can be applied twice daily with good results.
- Ozone increases pain threshold and reduces pain sensitivity, resulting in reduced pain sensations.
- Muscle pain and spasm are relieved with its relaxation.
- Ozone therapy has no side effects or complications.
- It is an economical, effective, and reliable treatment with significant reduction in muscle pains.